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Sonia’s certificate, PM’s ultimate humiliation
First Published : 29 Nov 2010
It is a disgusting story. Let us begin it in lighter vein. ‘2G’ seems a highly popular name today. Type ‘2G’ in Google search, you will get 55.3 million results in 0.12 seconds! In Google terms, ‘2G’ is 29 times more popular than Shah Rukh Khan; 17 times as popular as Rajnikanth. It is equally as infamous, being the largest scam ever — Rs1.76 lakh crore loot. About something so famous, and at once infamous, the whole nation is asking Manmohan Singh one question: Mr Prime Minister what do you know about ‘2G’? Even as the PM is totally silent, here comes an SMS to all cell phones. ‘The PM finally breaks his silence and says: “The only ‘2G’ I know are: ‘SoniaG and RahulG’.’ Laughing? Here is something to cry about.
On November 24, 2010, ‘SoniaG’ certified, “Manmohan Singh is more than 100 per cent honest”. The next day, she proclaimed her ‘zero tolerance’ to corruption. What a tragedy? Certificate of probity from Sonia to Singh! Could anything be more humiliating? For, only five years ago, Manmohan Singh had saved her from the Bofors scam by calling back the red corner notice against her Italian friend Ottavio Quattrocchi (Q), recipient of a third of the pay-off from Bofors. Here is that shameful story in brief. Sten Lindstorm, who was the head of the National Investigation Bureau, equal to the CBI here, had probed the Bofors pay-off in Sweden. He told Outlook (April 6, 1998) that Sonia must explain how the companies owned by Q got fat payoffs from Bofors; what was her nexus with Q; who introduced him to Bofors. Lindstorm said that Q got Bofors payoffs was confirmed. Six years later on April 8, 2004, he wrote that Sonia must be questioned on the scam, asserting, “I know what I am saying”.
The diary of Martin Ardbo, managing director of Bofors and the bribe giver, had mentioned his meeting with “Gandhi Trust lawyer”. Finally Q, who came to India long back virtually as Sonia’s baggage from Italy, behaved exactly like a thief when proof against him emerged; he slipped away from India in 1993, thanks to P V Narasimha Rao yielding to pressure from Sonia. In 1999, Sonia defended Q, pleaded he was innocent; she alleged that the NDA government was hounding him. Ten years later Singh chided his own government for harassing Q. Sonia protected the corrupt Q; Singh allowed him to escape prosecution. And Sonia, a suspect in Bofors bribery, is now the president of the Congress, and chairperson of the National Advisory Council. She condescends to certify Singh’s honesty and shamelessly proclaims that she is zero tolerant to corruption. Isn’t it a double tragedy?
Tsunami of scams
A tsunami of scams in quick succession in recent months has swamped the public domain. First of course is the ‘Raja of Scams’, the 2G Spectrum sale involving a loot of Rs 1,76,000 crore; second, how intriguingly the prime minister, now certified by the Bofors scam suspect as ‘Mr Clean’, silently first and openly later, allowed the scamsters to loot that national asset; third, how the ‘Mr. Clean’ PM sat on Subramanian Swamy’s plea to prosecute A Raja for the scam and is now hiding in legalisms to escape the blame for the delay; fourth, the transcript of the tele-conversation of the high profile PR executive Niira Radia, in which not just the politicians, but many media stars and business magnates stand naked in public for different things, including for having lobbied to make Raja telecom minister; fifth, the Commonwealth Games fraud involving Rs 8,000 crore; sixth, the Adarsh housing scam involving some Rs 600 crore. The gross value of the three loots touches almost Rs1.85 lakh crore, equal to 18.5 per cent of the national budget. Here is a sideshow, the Yeddyurappa scam. Compared to the dacoits who have looted almost Rs1.85 lakh crore, Yeddyurappa, like a frightened pickpocket who when caught, has returned the purse — the land permits — he had picked. Yet, his corruption, though petty in comparison, does make the BJP guilty of moral deficit; he has helped the Rs1.85 lakh crore-loot-accused Congress to accuse the BJP.
Fraudulent policy
The first four items relate to the 2G Scam. The Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) estimates the 2G loot at between `67,000 crore and `1,76,000 crore. That the public lost heavily by the 2G Spectrum loot was evident on day one. Spectrum is the electromagnetic wave through which the wireless calls, SMSes and data travel from one phone or computer to another. Fraud inhered in the very policy to make spectrum available in 2008 at the price set for it in 2001.
What does selling the spectrum in 2008 at 2001 prices mean?
It is not just the inflation difference for eight years. It is like selling land in 2008 in a city (that has also grown 100 times since) at 2001 land prices. In 2008 alone the real estate stock prices rose, believe it, by 20 times. The only reason that Raja cited for this throwaway pricing was that, in 2003, the NDA government did it at 2001 prices. Look at the comparative facts, then and now. In 2003, only five out of 1,000 Indians owned a phone, globally among the lowest; the total telephone owners were 13 million; and telecom companies, in dead losses till 2006, needed support. But, between 2003 and 2008, the picture changed dramatically. The phone owning population grew by 14 times; telephone owners per thousand population by more than four and half times; telecom revenue by almost four times; telcos stock index by 4.4 times; market capitalisation of telcos by several times. The number of total cell owners was 3 million in 2001; 13 million in 2003, 180 million in 2000; now it is 688 million, 53 times more than in 2003; phone owners per thousand population rose from 3.6 in 2001 to 5 in 2003, and to over 22 in 2008; now it is over 58; Telcos’ revenue rose from Rs 48,000 crore in 2003 to 1,69,000 crore in 2008.
These data mean that the profit earning potential of spectrum was several times more in 2008, as compared to 2001. Again, the Indian mobile phone sector grew even faster after 2008. Since 2004 it was, even now it is, the fastest growing one in the world. It now adds every month 20 million phone connections; this is seven times the total all India connections of just 3 million in 2001. There is huge prosperity ahead too. The mobile phone subscriber base is expected to go up to 993 million by 2013. It needs no seer to say that selling licences in 2008 at 2001 prices was like selling gold in 2008, which will become diamond in 2013, at coal prices in 2001.
PM objects, acquiesces, defends
In September 2007, Raja announced policy to sell new mobile licences/spectrum at 2001 prices. On September 24, he announced that the cut-off date for new applications would be October 1; 575 applications were received by October 1. But a week later, on November 2, Raja stipulated that the applications received after September 25 would not be considered; that is retrospectively the cut-off date was advanced to September 25. Then, after 100 days, suddenly, at 2.30 pm on January 10, Raja announced that those who had filed their applications before September 25, could depute their representatives by 3.30 pm, that is, within 45 minutes, to collect the response and before the day ended, pay for spectrum on First Come First Served (FCFS) basis. There were skirmishes at the DoT office on January 10 to be first in the queue. This process disqualified 454 of the total of 575 applications. But, the chosen ones knew what would happen on January 10. The CAG report says, “13 applicants were ready with DDs drawn on dates prior to the notification itself” — a clear proof that they had prior information.
As the deal began to stink even earlier, in November 2007 the PM, though a month after September 24, objected to the Raja model and asked him to be transparent. Raja responded to him, within hours, insisting that he was only going by the policy (of the previous government) in force. The PM took one whole month and on January 3, 2008, he, quite intriguingly, just ‘acknowledged’ Raja’s letter — virtually giving a go-ahead to Raja. On January 10, Raja completed his fraudulent mission. But the story doesn’t end.
Finally, 15 months later, on May 24, 2010, the PM admitted that Raja had told him that he was only following the policy laid down previously — virtually approving the fraud. It needs no seer to say that to say the loot was no secret affair. It was daylight robbery; as transparent as the PM had wanted it to be. Not just Raja, the PM also must be questioned on why he objected first; why he fell into silence later; why he acquiesced subsequently and why he defended it finally.
Stench out in three ways
The stench of the scam began leaking out in three different ways. First, even before the licences were issued in January 2008, one of the aspirants for all India licence, STel Limited, made an offer to Raja in November 2007 to pay Rs13,621 crore for the licence which Raja was selling at Rs1,658 crore — that is almost nine times the 2001 price. When its offer was rejected, STel moved the Delhi High Court, which allowed its petition. Then Raja’s ministry appealed to the Supreme Court. At that point, under threats, STel owners backed off from the case. But they had set the benchmark. On the basis of STel’s offer the CAG has estimated the loss to the public at Rs 67,300 crore.
Second, two of the new players — Unitech and Swan — who got licences on FCFS basis, sold off a major chunk of shares in their companies at values which were many times the amount they had paid for the licences. Unitech, which had paid a licence fee of Rs1,658 crore, sold 67 per cent of its licence for Rs 6,120 crore; this meant that the full licence value was Rs 9,100 crore. Swan, which had paid Rs 1,537 crore, sold 44.7 per cent of the licence at Rs 3,217 crore; it meant that its licence value was Rs 7,192 crore. STel, which got small licences by paying Rs 25 crore, sold 5.61 per cent of its licence for Rs 238.5 crore; it meant that the value of its licences was Rs 4,251 crore. On the basis of these sales of licences the CAG has calculated the loss at between Rs 57,600 and 69,300 crore.
Third, on the basis of the value realised by the government by auctioning of the licences/spectrum for 3G telephony, the CAG has computed the loss in the sale of 2G licences at 2001 rates, without bidding process, at Rs1,76,645 crore. It is the CAG report that has made the stench unbearable. It came just before the Parliament Winter Session was to open. The opposition got a full toss to hit, which it promptly did. The Parliament has become dysfunctional.
What, who made PM U-turn?
The 2G loot took place in the open, to the view of all including ‘Mr Clean’ Singh and zero-corruption-tolerant Sonia. When CBI raided Raja’s ministry on October 28, 2009, and there were demands that Raja resign, he retorted, “why should I resign? I had done everything in consultation with the PM”.
The PM did not deny that statement. But, months later, on May 24, 2010, the PM said that Raja had “discussed” the issue with him. Any difference between Raja asserting that he had “consulted” the PM and the PM admitting that Raja “discussed” with him? The story is self-evident. The PM’s objection in November 2007 turned into no-objection in January 2008 and finally became his approval in May 2010. But, now, with the CAG exposing the fraud, the PM’s lips remain zipped despite demands from everyone including the Supreme Court that he speaks. Why? Here is a compelling hypothesis.
Between November 2007 and January 2008, someone must have hinted to the PM not to meddle with Raja. There is no other way PM’s November objection could become a meek non-objection in January. Who except Sonia Gandhi could turn the PM’s strong objection into a meek non-objection? And who else could make the PM defend Raja in May 2010. Assume this, then everything falls in place; otherwise nothing is explainable.
Raja, Radia, media
But a parallel development also made the stench difficult to contain. The story here is both spicy and serious. The income tax department had legally tapped the telephone lines of Niira Radia, Delhi’s most enterprising PR executive, who holds the honourable Tata group, on the one hand and the fearsome RIL group on the other. Her nine telephones were tapped for about 180 days from August 20, 2008 and again from May 11, 2009 to July 11, 2009. On the request of the CBI, which began to probe the scam in October 2009, the IT department provided, on November 20, 2009, not the whole, but a small part of the recordings. This in itself has forced many politicians, businessmen and media stars run for cover.
There are 5,400 telephonic conversations involving Niira Radia reportedly recorded; available on the Internet are a mere 102, of which only 23 have been transcribed and printed. So one can estimate the bombs still hidden.
According to the IT department’s brief to the CBI, the transcripts reveal stunning facts like: one, Niira Radia was very close to Raja and was involved in getting 2G licences for three operators, namely, Unitech, Swan, and Datacom; two, Raja himself has equity stakes in the licences he has issued; three, Radia and Kanimozhi worked through Vir Sanghvi and Barkha Dutt, two famed journalists, for negotiating to get Raja in as telecom minister after the elections in 2009; four, Radia was also close to the auditor of Rajathi Ammal, (Karunanidhi’s second wife and Kanimozhi’s mother); five, Radia was also involved in advising on the resale of the licences by Swan and Unitech; and so on. It is a shameful account whose full details are not out yet.
The legally recorded phone conversations indicate that it was Radia who first confirmed to Raja on May 24, 2009 that his name has been cleared for the telecom ministry. Go to, and click for the tapes, you can hear Raja asking Radia: “My case is clear, yes?” and Radia replying: “Yours is clear, yeah. Your case was cleared last night only.” The tapes, running to over a hundred, of which only a small part is out in the open, are said to be both juicy and sensational. For instance Radia narrates to Vir Sanghvi on May 23, 2009, at past 10.26 pm about how Dayanidhi Maran was exerting pressure through Karunanidhi’s kin Stalin, Dayalu Ammal and Selvi to get into the Cabinet, and tells, “I believe that Maran has given about 600 crores to Dayalu, Stalin’s mother”. Interesting — and disturbing — isn’t it to hear particularly about sale of ministerial positions within the political family for hundreds of crores? Space constraints cut the shameful long story short for now; more on it later.
The loot is too huge for Raja. The main beneficiaries are obviously hiding behind him. Raja could never have defied the PM on the strength of the DMK alone. The DMK could never have ditched the UPA on this issue. The fear that the DMK would walk out of UPA could not be the reason for the PM to acquiesce. The fraudulent venture must have had the backing of someone more powerful than the PM. That only explains Raja’s defiance of the PM; and the PM acquiescence first and finally his defence of the deal itself.
QED: The PM has now lost the remaining sheen as ‘Mr Clean’. The condescending certificate of honesty from Sonia, who he had saved from the Bofors case, is his ultimate humiliation.
writer can be contacted at
Courtesy : express buzz Dec.5,2010.QUIT INDIA! QUIT INDIA!! SONIA!!!
The time for the final reckoning of Sonia Gandhi and her unimaginably corrupt ways by abusing her authority has arrived. Her acts of Himalayan corruption have been brought to public light in a short and succinct manner, yesterday (Wednesday, 24th November, 2010) by Dr Subramanian Swamy, President of Janata Party and former Union Law and Commerce Minister, in his letter addressed to the Prime Minister. I am presenting below a copy of this historic and explosive letter which speaks for itself.
[Read the Letter from Dr. Subramanian Swamy to Dr. Manmohan Singh, Prime Minister of India dated 24/11/2010.]
[Read the Letter from Dr. Subramanian Swamy to Dr. Manmohan Singh, Prime Minister of India dated 24/11/2010.]
The title for this article I have derived from the historic speech of Mahatma Gandhi at Bombay on August 9 1942 when he gave the clarion call of QUIT INDIA to the British in India.
In this context, I cannot help recalling the famous speech of Oliver Cromwell to the Rump Parliament in England on 20 April 1653. In 1653, after learning that Parliament was attempting to stay in session despite an agreement to dissolve, and having failed to come up with a working constitution, Oliver Cromwell’s patience ran out. On 20 April, 1653 he harangued the members of the Rump Parliament. This speech does not survive but has often been paraphrased, for instance in the Book of Days: “You have sat too long for any good you have been doing lately ... Depart, I say; and let us have done with you. In the name of God, Go!”
These very words of Cromwell were used by Lord Amery against Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain in a moment of high drama during the notorious Norway Debate in the House of Commons in May 1940. After a string of military and naval disasters were announced, Lord Amery famously attacked Chamberlain's Government, quoting the above words of Oliver Cromwell. Lord Amery told Chamberlain and the House of Commons:
“You have sat too long here for any good you have been doing. Depart, I say, and let us have done with you. In the name of God, go!”
Lord Amery’s speech had the desired effect. Neville Chamberlain resigned from the Office of the Prime Minister and Sir Winston Churchill succeeded him in that Office on May 10, 1940.
I am constrained to use the same words of Oliver Cromwell and quoted with devastating political effect by Lord Amery against Neville Chamberlain, against the corrupt Firangi Memsahib Sonia Gandhi as well, after reading the above letter sent by Dr Subramanian Swamy to the Prime Minister of India, Dr Manmohan Singh.
In one of my recent articles I had written about the nefarious attempts by the Solicitor General of India Gopal Subramaniam to cover up the acts of Himalayan corruption of former Union Telecom Minister A. Raja in the 2G Spectrum affair. I had described the Solicitor General as the Saboteur General of India! I am quoting below my own words in this article where I have referred in outline form to the massive corruption of Sonia Gandhi in this case:
The common people of India whose innocent blood is getting sucked every minute every day by the Firangi Memsahib, and her family in Italy, apart from the members of her half-Italian family in India, expect our Prime Minister to initiate action on war-footing to deal with the serious issues relating to terrorism, religious conversion and demographic infiltration by Bangladeshi Muslims.
The Prime Minister has to take a bold and heroic stand against the ill gotten money in billions of Dollars equivalent, the money-laundering and Participatory Notes, which are destroying the foundations of Indian polity by undermining our National Security. Considering the point relating to the illegal use of corporate sector private planes by Sonia Gandhi, her sisters, her son and others closely related to her for the sole purpose of suitably parking the looted funds in safe tax havens abroad, the Prime Minister has to suo moto initiate immediate action against Sonia Gandhi, the Chairman of UPA Coordination Committee or more precisely the Chairman of the UPA Corruption Committee, failing which Dr Manmohan Singh will be laying himself open to the legitimate charge of criminal negligence of his constitutional responsibilities as the Prime Minister and Chief Executive of India.
The Prime Minister has to take a bold and heroic stand against the ill gotten money in billions of Dollars equivalent, the money-laundering and Participatory Notes, which are destroying the foundations of Indian polity by undermining our National Security. Considering the point relating to the illegal use of corporate sector private planes by Sonia Gandhi, her sisters, her son and others closely related to her for the sole purpose of suitably parking the looted funds in safe tax havens abroad, the Prime Minister has to suo moto initiate immediate action against Sonia Gandhi, the Chairman of UPA Coordination Committee or more precisely the Chairman of the UPA Corruption Committee, failing which Dr Manmohan Singh will be laying himself open to the legitimate charge of criminal negligence of his constitutional responsibilities as the Prime Minister and Chief Executive of India.
Catherine de' Medici Lucrezia Borgia Antonia Maino

THE MOTHER SUPERIOR OF ALL CORRUPTION IN THE UPA II GOVERNMENT IN NEW DELHI IS THE FIRANGI MEMSAHIB SONIA GANDHI. In her over weening political arrogance and bumptiousness, she reminds us all about Catherine de' Medici (1519 – 1589) (born in Florence, Italy) who later became Queen of France, and Lucrezia Borgia (18 April 1480 – 24 June 1519). Authentic history tells us that both these political women were incorrigible political criminals!!
Read here details........
Courtesy : eEnnapadamPanchajanya.
The age of Dr. Subramanian Swamy has begun
21/11/2010 12:33:55 V. Sundaram - I.A.S
The famous Hindi poet Ramdhari Singh Dinakar once exclaimed in exasperation: “Singhasan Khaali Karo Ke Janata Aaati Hai”. These soul stirring words in Hindi were mobilized by the great revolutionary freedom fighter Jayprakash Narain when he led the myriad millions of India against the draconian dictatorship of Indira Gandhi during the dark days of Emergency during 1975-1977. Jayprakash Narain won the democratic war against Indira Gandhi in 1977. During that period there was another revolutionary leader who was very young and who taught a salutary political lesson to Indira Gandhi. He displayed extraordinary courage against that singularly unscrupulous Congress leader Indira Gandhi, playing a singularly magnificent role in bringing her down from her high office in April 1977. After nearly 33 years, Dr Subramanian Swamy has again made history this morning (18-November 2010) in the Supreme Court of India.
Two years ago Dr Subramanian Swamy exposed the Himalayan corruption of DMK Party nominated Union Telecom Minister A. Raja in the 2g spectrum allocation scam by furnishing irrefutable documentary evidence to the Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh and sought the latter’s permission as prescribed under the rules to prosecute Minister A. Raja. The Prime Minister sat over this letter like an obdurate low level baboo and took no action on Dr Swamy’s letter. Subsequently Dr Swamy sent several letters reminding the Prime Minister about the Paramount Public Need for according sanction to prosecute Minister A. Raja. On each occasion Dr Swamy furnished newer and more and more unassailable documentary evidence to establish a prima facie case against the criminal misconduct of Minister A. Raja.
Only on two occasions, Dr Swamy received a letter from the Government during the last two years. After a lapse of more than one year, the Prime Minister sent a letter to Dr Swamy stating that the matter was being referred to the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI). Was it really the CBI or has it now become Congress Bureau of Intimidation? We have a saying in the government that no rumour is true until the government denies it and the Prime Minister has denied in public several times (in order to please his extra-Constitutional Italian colonial overlord) that the CBI is the Congress Bureau of Investigation!!! In the case of A. Raja’s spectrum fraud case alone, until the Supreme Court recently directed them to function in a clean manner, the CBI was functioning as SBI (Sonia Bureau of Intimidation)!!! My way of joking is to tell the truth! I derive my inspiration from the following lines of a great English poet:
“How happy is he born and taught,
That serveth not another’s will;
Whose armour is his honest thought,
And SIMPLE TRUTH his utmost skill.”
The second letter sent to Dr Swamy was from Union Minister Raja and that too after several months of inordinate delay. The joke about this letter is that Union Minister Raja had stated that the Prime Minister had chosen to forward to him the original letter of Dr Swamy seeking Prime Minister’s permission to prosecute Union Minister Raja! How could the Prime Minister forward Dr Swamy’s original letter addressed to him to the accused Minister Raja? That is why I say that the lawless law of the Firangi Memsahib overrides the Law of the Constitution!!
The Solicitor General of India Gopal Subramaniam --- nay the SABOTEUR GENERAL OF INDIA --- incorrectly informed the Supreme Court that the Prime Minister’s office had promptly sent reply letters in respect of every letter received by them from Dr Subramanian Swamy.
Dr Subramanian Swamy exposed the walkie-talkie fraud of Gopal Subramaniam when he told the open Court that Gopal Subramaniam was treating routine acknowledgement letters sent by the Prime Ministers Office (PMO) to him from time to time as documents of high state policy. Dr Subramanian Swamy had told the Court that these routine interim letters had not at all touched upon the substantive issue raised by him in his original letter to the Prime Minister.
To sum up, Dr Subramanian Swamy also invited the attention of the Supreme Court of India to the following points:
Dr Subramanian Swamy exposed the walkie-talkie fraud of Gopal Subramaniam when he told the open Court that Gopal Subramaniam was treating routine acknowledgement letters sent by the Prime Ministers Office (PMO) to him from time to time as documents of high state policy. Dr Subramanian Swamy had told the Court that these routine interim letters had not at all touched upon the substantive issue raised by him in his original letter to the Prime Minister.
To sum up, Dr Subramanian Swamy also invited the attention of the Supreme Court of India to the following points:
A. There was an astounding 11-month “silence” of the Prime Minister on Dr Swamy's public interest litigation seeking sanction to initiate proceedings against then Telecom Minister A. Raja over the 2G spectrum allocation.
B. Dr Swamy told the Supreme Court: “I am suggesting that Solicitor General is either embroidering or stretching the truth. He is taking even routine letters of acknowledgment of mail as substantive official replies”! Dr Swamy has dismissed as “lie” the claim by Solicitor-General Gopal Subramanium that Dr Manmohan Singh had replied to all the letters of Dr Swamy seeking sanction for prosecution against then Telecom Minister A Raja in the 2G spectrum scam.
C. Dr Swamy informed the Supreme Court that he had never received any “substantive” reply since Nov 29, 2008from the Prime Minister to his five letters, sent from time to time and on each occasion fortified with additional documents attached by way of clinching evidence against Raja.
D. Another communication was a letter from A. Raja, who resigned as communications and IT minister recently, addressed to Dr Swamy in December 2009. It stated that a copy of the representation that Dr Swamy had given to the Prime Minister seeking the prosecution of Minister Raja had been forwarded to him. Dr Swamy pointed out to the Supreme Court that this was “illegal”. How could Minister Raja be directed to reply when he figured as the prime accused in the original representation of Dr Swamy to the Prime Minister?
E. The Supreme Court of India has taken an exception to the 11-month “silence” of the Prime Minister on Dr Swamy's public interest litigation seeking sanction to initiate proceedings against then telecom minister A. Raja over the 2G spectrum allocation. The Supreme Court of India directed the Solicitor General to file a written affidavit on behalf of the Prime Minister in the Supreme Court on Saturday the 20th of November 2010. The Supreme Court is also reported to have observed: “We are asking for the PM’s affidavit because we want to know what has been the extent of the cover up in this case in the PM’s Office.”
The Italian woman ‘political’ dacoit Sonia Gandhi --- modelling herself like the highly corrupt President of Peru, Alberto Fujimori --- who is now the undisputed dictator of the Congress and through it the entire Indian nation has tried her best to black out from the media --- both print and electronic --- all the vital news relating to the legal and legitimate political battles of Dr Subramanian Swamy, being launched from time to time, in several Courts of Law with focus on the larger national good.
The otherwise supine and eminently purchasable Indian press is now scenting an epic political battle today, very much like the one waged in 1979 between Jayprakash Narain and the Congress (Hitler-like) dictator Indira Gandhi. That is why we are now seeing Dr Subramanian Swamy on all TV news channels round the clock. Like a pack of wolves’ scenting the blood of an injured prey and going after it with gusto, the Indian press is now going after the acts of high criminal venality of the foreign female political thug, firangi dakait Sonia Gandhi. Though these cowardly men and women in the media do not have the guts to state this fact explicitly in their broadcast, yet all the enlightened citizens of India understand it fully. When a thing is well understood by the common people, it need not necessarily be underlined.
This morning, Friday 19-November-2010, the Prime Ministers Office has announced that Goolam Essaji Vahanvati, the Attorney General of India will now appear on behalf of the Prime Minister in the place of Gopal Subramaniam, the Solicitor General of India, in the on going case relating to A. Raja in the Supreme Court.
In these columns I have already paid my profound tributes to Gopal Subramaniam as The Saboteur General of India! The antecedents of Goolam Essaji Vahanvati are no better than those of Gopal Subramaniam. The Janata Party President Dr Subramaniam Swamy has stated today (Friday 19-November 2010): “I have no objection if Vahanvati defends the Prime Minister. But if he comes for the 2G case, then I have a problem”.
I know what Dr Subramanian Swamy has in mind. On December 26, 2007, the then Union Telecom Minister A. Raja had written to the Prime Minister to this effect: “I have already consulted the External Affairs Minister Pranab Mukherjee and Solicitor General of India G.E Vahanavati and they have advised me as a preemptive and proactive measure I can go ahead with the allocation of 2g Spectrum space immediately.” Having played an advisory part in this sordid scam, The most honourable course would be for G.E Vahanavati to recuse himself from talking in the Supreme Court on 2G Spectrum and the murky role of A. Raja.
I know what Dr Subramanian Swamy has in mind. On December 26, 2007, the then Union Telecom Minister A. Raja had written to the Prime Minister to this effect: “I have already consulted the External Affairs Minister Pranab Mukherjee and Solicitor General of India G.E Vahanavati and they have advised me as a preemptive and proactive measure I can go ahead with the allocation of 2g Spectrum space immediately.” Having played an advisory part in this sordid scam, The most honourable course would be for G.E Vahanavati to recuse himself from talking in the Supreme Court on 2G Spectrum and the murky role of A. Raja.
Moreover, when a company called S Tel moved the Delhi High Court early in 2009, to set aside the arbitrary and criminal cut-off date of September 25, 2007 fixed by Union Minister A. Raja, the Delhi High Court gave a ruling in favour of S Tel and set aside the cut off date of September 25, 2007 in their orders passed in June 2009. In this case G.E Vahanavati had appeared on behalf of Department of Telecommunications (DOT) in his capacity as Attorney General of India. He had mislead the Delhi High Court by falsely stating in his affidavit that the Prime Minister had given his clearance to A. Raja in respect of every issue that was being raised by S Tel in the Delhi High Court. He had also kept the fact of the Prime Minister having instructed the Union Minister Raja to proceed cautiously in a matter after duly consulting the Union Ministries of Law and Finance, completely hidden from the view of the Delhi High Court.
Later when the DOT moved the Supreme Court on appeal against the orders of the Delhi High Court in favour of S Tel, G.E Vahanavati played a questionable role behind the scenes in making S Tel withdrawing their affidavit in the matter. I had written on this aspect of G.E Vahanavati’s nefarious role in an article titled ‘Maharajadiraja Dalit Raja Spectrum Fraud Outshines And Outclasses (Asatyam) Raju Satyam Fraud-III’ and published on May 29, 2010. I am quoting some excerpts from this article relating to the probity of G.E Vahanavati.
“On 10-March-2010 Attorney General Goolam E Vahanvati produced a letter from STel in the Supreme Court in which the telecom operator sought to buy peace with the Department of Telecommunications by saying they agreed to DoT policy on allotment of 2G spectrum.
“In these circumstances, we acknowledge the fact that our application has not been rejected and are now agreeable to the government considering our applications at the appropriate time. We acknowledge the fact that the decision of the government for giving UASL (unified access service licence) to those who applied up to September 25, 2007 was not arbitrary but based on likely availability of spectrum and administrative decision thereon,” Vahanvati said, reading aloud S Tel's communication.”
“Based on STel’s letter, the Communications Ministry wanted to withdraw its own appeal against the Delhi High Court judgment, but the Supreme Court did not allow the plea. THE ANNOYED BENCH ASKED WHY THE ATTORNEY GENERAL G.E VAHANVATI WAS SUBMITTING A LETTER FROM S-TEL ON THEIR BEHALF?”
“My Comment: G.E Vahanvati, appointed to the Constitutional post of Attorney General, is the Indian Government's chief legal advisor and its primary lawyer in the Supreme Court of India. I am shocked to see that he allowed himself to be seen discharging the function of an advocate of a private company like S-Tel to cover up the shady deal of Dalit Minister Raja. A disgraceful situation indeed! In UPA II Government he proved to be more powerful than the Central Vigilance Commission which had recommended the prosecution of Union Minister Dalit Raja in the matter of allotment of Spectrum G bandwidth.”
Exemplary and outstanding credentials indeed! The real truth is this irresponsible Attorney General stands for the privatization and commercialization of the exalted public office of the Attorney General of India! I am shocked to see that the office of the Prime Minister has chosen G.E Vahanavati to defend the Prime Minister in the Supreme Court in the 2g Spectrum fraud case.
“Based on STel’s letter, the Communications Ministry wanted to withdraw its own appeal against the Delhi High Court judgment, but the Supreme Court did not allow the plea. THE ANNOYED BENCH ASKED WHY THE ATTORNEY GENERAL G.E VAHANVATI WAS SUBMITTING A LETTER FROM S-TEL ON THEIR BEHALF?”
“My Comment: G.E Vahanvati, appointed to the Constitutional post of Attorney General, is the Indian Government's chief legal advisor and its primary lawyer in the Supreme Court of India. I am shocked to see that he allowed himself to be seen discharging the function of an advocate of a private company like S-Tel to cover up the shady deal of Dalit Minister Raja. A disgraceful situation indeed! In UPA II Government he proved to be more powerful than the Central Vigilance Commission which had recommended the prosecution of Union Minister Dalit Raja in the matter of allotment of Spectrum G bandwidth.”
Exemplary and outstanding credentials indeed! The real truth is this irresponsible Attorney General stands for the privatization and commercialization of the exalted public office of the Attorney General of India! I am shocked to see that the office of the Prime Minister has chosen G.E Vahanavati to defend the Prime Minister in the Supreme Court in the 2g Spectrum fraud case.
Yesterday on Times Now TV Channel, Manish Tiwari, official spokesman for the Sonia Congress Party said that Dr Swamy should have first lodged a complaint with a Magistrate for holding an inquiry before approaching the Prime Minister of India for according sanction for the prosecution of the then Union Telecom Minister A. Raja in the 2g spectrum fraud case. Dr Swamy has put this question to this pageboy of the Italian firangi Memsahib: “Why SC judges did not say so? Who is this Congress spokesperson who says so? No one has so far told me why I have come here straight without first lodging complaint with the magistrate. Those who do not know law would say so. Why should I complain to magistrate... I have completed all my investigations. I do not need it. I have everything (details of the case). Congress will do better if it removes Manish Tiwari from the post of spokesperson. I have the right to go to magistrate or a sessions judge for lodging a complaint and ask for issuing summons to Raja.”
I would only supplement Dr Swamy’s correct, wholly legal, appropriate and pointed observations by saying that Manish Tiwari’s 24X7 arajgari (a Sonia Congress Anarchist) consists in shamelessly declaring with secular anti-national fervour that the LAWLESS MAFIA LAW of the Extra-Constitutional Authority of the Italian Firangi Memsahib (which has the disastrous effect of reducing the highest Constitutional status of the Prime Minister of India to that of a Tenant-at-will of an Italian female mafia don) overrides the Law of the Indian Constitution.
Manish Tiwari’s daily prayer for wholesome and soul-elevating Sonia Congress servility seems to be this, today:
“Lead us from Mahatma Gandhi to Sonia Gandhi,
From Guru Gobind Singh to Dr Manmohan Singh,
From Rajaji to Karunanidhi,
From Manliness to Unmanliness,
From Communal Chastity to Secular Prostitution,
From Truth to Untruth,
From Democracy to Dictatorship,
From Courage to Cowardice,
From Liberty and Freedom to Servility and Slavery,
From Knowledge to Ignorance,
From Wisdom to Folly,
From Light to Darkness,
From Immortality to Sonia Congress Death!
The UPA II Government of the Italian Firangi Memsahib is stinking and sinking with corruption today. The highest constitutional authorities in the land --- the office of the President of India, the office of the Prime Minister of India, the office of the Chief Election Commissioner of India, the office of the Attorney General of India, and such other Constitutional authorities have been reduced to the level of subordinate offices of the Extra-Constitutional office of the Chairman of the UPA Co-Ordination Committee held by Sonia Gandhi. The party office of the Congress President and the office of the UPA Co-Ordination Committee are two sides of the same coin. eHaindavaKeralam.